To help preserve, protect, and nurture the economic and cultural vitality of downtown Caldwell through the creation of public and private partnerships.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Conversations on The Green- The Library- Imagine the Possibilities!

"Imagine, for instance, a park bordered on one side by a commercial street and on another by a public library. These urban elements work together to form a single place, yet in a typical downtown that area would likely be managed by a number of public entities. Instead of a unified approach to the place, several different city agencies employ a piecemeal approach, each operating within the boundaries of its professional discipline.
But if we look upon these elements as interrelated components of a single place, we create more opportunities for local people and different public entities to jointly create a vision of what's best for the downtown. How can the street, park, library, and businesses support and strengthen each other? What do business owners, library employees, and residents envision for the area? By actively observing and listening to the people who live or work or play in the area, the answers to what the place needs will become apparent."- Project for Public Spaces

"Imagine that same square situated next to a public library: the doors open right unto the square; people sit outside and read on the steps; maybe the children's reading room has a outdoor space right on the square"- Project for Public Spaces

"Parks and libraries are natural partners. Both represent "the commons." They are our public space and we hold them together, and they're our collective responsibility. They're part of the underlying urban infrastructure- as important as the bridges and the roads and the housing. They promote civic participation; they foster local identity, and they both offer recreational, educational and social engagement opportunities."- Diantha D. Schull, Executive Director, Libraries for the Future

Monday, February 22, 2010

Conversations on The Green: The Caldwell Green has not fulfilled its potential.

This is the first of many posts that will explore the intriguing past and promising future of our Town Green. A few weeks ago, Anna Young, the chief landscape architect of The Morristown Green Renovation, was kind enough to give an informational presentation to The Green Committee, The Caldwell Library, Mayor Gartland, and council members Ann Dassing and Joe Norton.

The following is from Anna Young's presentation: (the images on the left are the Caldwell Green and the images on the right are the Morristown Green)

The Caldwell Green has not fulfilled its potential. Today it is just the shoulder of a busy county road and the border of a parking garage. Improvements can make it a community space that is integrated with the library, proudly embraces its history, and provides a place of respite from our busy lives.

Improvements to the Green should replace this view into the belly of the garage with human scale features. We need to capitalize on the adjacent Community Center and parking as an asset to the Green rather than a liability. Thoughtful placement of seating and reconfigured park space can create an irresistible place to sit.
Improvements to the Green should be designed to bring back Caldwell’s rich history and set the stage for community celebrations.

Carefully placed walkways create an experience while linking destinations.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Join the Conversation!

Give us your thoughts on how to make downtown Caldwell a better place.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our Downtown - For Today and for Tomorrow

Memorial Day Parade, Caldwell NJ
Welcome friends and neighbors! Something exciting is happening in Caldwell that will benefit all of us in town and in our surrounding communities!

Project Main Street is a nonprofit, non-governmental, community volunteer organization. We’ll be working to preserve our heritage while building the future of our downtown through historic preservation, beautification, green space, and pedestrian friendly projects. We’ll be hosting community events and forming partnerships that will establish a true “center of community” – a destination for our neighbors and new businesses alike.

We’d love you, your family members and friends to join us and have a true voice – by sharing your vision, ideas and opinions on this new blog, by keeping up to date on events and initiatives by becoming a fan on Facebook, or by volunteering your time or talent to one of our committees. Together we will build the future of our downtown by choice, not by chance.

Help us make a difference by joining the conversation or volunteering. Here’s how:

1) Become a fan of Project Main Street on Facebook to keep up to date and add your thoughts. Just click on the Facebook icon at the bottom of the blog to connect.

2) Become a public follower of this blog to share your ideas and opinions:
- On the bottom right of the page, click the “follow” button
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- Type your comment. Click “preview” to proofread. Click “post comment” to submit
- Bookmark the site. Visit often. Read the posts and people’s comments. Engage in an on-line dialogue on the topic and comments.

4) Become a volunteer for a project or a committee. Email

5) Please forward this  to others in The Caldwells and our neighboring towns!

What changes would you like to see in downtown Caldwell over the next few years? Please comment below!

Thank you for your support!