To help preserve, protect, and nurture the economic and cultural vitality of downtown Caldwell through the creation of public and private partnerships.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Project Main Street Beautification Dinner to be held Sunday, May 22

Project Main Street, the all-volunteer nonprofit working to preserve and revitalize Caldwell’s historic downtown, is holding their second annual Beautification Dinner at Luce Restaurant on Sunday, May 22.  All proceeds from the fundraiser will be invested in projects that beautify and enhance Caldwell’s downtown for the enjoyment of residents and visitors from the surrounding communities.

Luce Chef Anthony Pucciarello, recently featured on The Cooking Channel, has prepared a special five-course menu and selected wines for the event. Tickets are $75 and can be reserved by calling 973- 632-4707 or emailing The evening will also feature entertainment, a tricky tray and a 50/50 drawing.  

Last year’s 50/50 winner, Jean McGowan, joined the dinner party in celebration after receiving a phone call that she won $5,000.  50/50 tickets will be sold through the event. Volunteers will be selling tickets outside of ShopRite Liquors on Friday, May 20, from 5-9 pm.

Project Main Street volunteers have worked to raise the money for wrought iron hanging baskets of dragon wing begonias and American flags along Bloomfield Avenue.  Over ninety volunteers from across the community came out for Project Main Street’s Caldwell Beautification Day last September. Volunteers planted 22 trees, cleaned and mulched 80 tree beds, painted 55 black lamp posts, planted mums and built a seasonal display on the borough green, refurbished the Rotary bus stop, and cleaned up the entire length of Bloomfield Avenue. In partnership with the Caldwell Environmental Commission, the group helped raise money for the new recycling bins along the avenue. Project Main Street also brings the annual Caldwell Farmers’ Market and holiday Winterland event to town.

Currently, volunteers are working with the borough on implementing an improved signage ordinance, exploring options for the purchase of decorative benches for the avenue to replace those in disrepair, and continuing their focus on “Complete Streets”, a DOT sponsored program for traffic calming in central business districts.  Project Main Street has also secured the donation of historic prison brownstone from K.Hovnanian to the Borough of Caldwell.  And, the team is gearing up for Caldwell Beautification Day 2011, which will be held next September.